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Your September 2020 Horoscope with Maya White

September 2020

Aries – (March 20 – April 18) Your pioneering spirit is the thing that separates you from other signs. And, Mars, your planetary ruler has been fueling your initiative. This month, with Mars retrograde after the 9th, you have a chance to refine what you put into place last month. Now is a rich time to polish your action plan. Don’t become distracted, or worse, get frustrated, if you have to deal with a temporary setback. The planets are teachers, and the lesson this time is that of Wisdom.

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Maintain your momentum, Taurus. Being a fixed earth sign, you may be slow to get going, but once you’re in motion, you’re golden. Venus, your ruling planet makes some challenging aspects to both Saturn and Mars this month which may cause you to be question your choices. Stay positive and connect with dear friends. You’re building strength and stamina, and by the end of September you’ll understand how and why you made the right decision.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19) The North node, which carries a signature of your soul development entered your sign in May of 2020. This instituted a shift for everyone, but more so for you. Your new growth is about knowledge and sharing ideas. The shadow side of this evolutionary path is not being able to make a commitment to one idea, person, or plan of action. Your sign is noted for keeping all options open, but the gains are made when you pick only one thing (ok, maybe two), and stay the course.

Cancer(June 20 – July 21) This month begins with a spark from Venus in Cancer. If you have a chance, look to the early morning sky to see her shining so brightly in the morning sky. After September 6th Venus moves into Leo, and this shift is a true benefit to your finances. You are inherently proud of the way you earn your income, and Venus makes it all easier. This is a month of grace and flow. Finally, you’re released from a physical and emotional burden. Now it’s time to take a deep breath and appreciate all that is beautiful in your life.

Leo – (July 22 – August 21) This month presents a unique opportunity to shine, Leo. On the surface it may appear to be a stroke of good fortune, but actually you’ve been putting this all together for a long time now. Venus in your sign after September 6th makes it all better. You’ll get even more momentum after Jupiter stations direct on the 12th. Just be aware that September is very fast paced – so don’t delay on taking action. Day by day you are lifted and by month’s end you are basking in the fragrance of sweet freedom.

Virgo – (August 22 – September 21) The Sun is in Virgo from August 22 – September 21st, and this is your season to SHINE. First, let me help you count your blessings. Pallas Athena, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, and even Uranus are all sitting in a favorable trine to your sign. This means that you are in a prime position to benefit through ease, flow, and acceptance. Plus, the month begins with a good will gesture from Mercury on the 4th. Personal and professional partnerships is where the Light shine most brightly. Pay attention to subtle requests, and enjoy the rewards that the Universe has for you.

Libra – (September 22 – October 21) September has an aura of mystery for your sign, Libra. To understand, first we look to Mars moving retrograde on the 9th. This action happens in Aries, and for you that activates your relationship sector. Typically, this retrograde will deliver unfinished partnership questions, especially now that Mars is extra close to the Earth. It’s a powerful time to take on the role of Observer because Mercury entering Libra on the 5th grants supreme clarity and understanding. Seek the truth, and speak you mind.

Scorpio – (October 22 – November 20) Go for rhythm and momentum now. You’re in the perfect position to really move ahead – the time is right, and hopefully you’re well prepared. Now, it’s a matter of taking it all to the next level. Mars retrograde in Aries invites you to look for ways to repackage work you’ve already done. In short, you don’t have to re-invent the wheel now; rather, plug all your assets into one Master Plan. Keep your long game in mind. Time and consistency are your awesome secret tools.

Sagittarius – (November 21– December 19) September comes as a bit of a relief, Sag. There’s less pressure on you, which in turn helps you put less pressure on those closest to you. Jupiter, your planetary rules returns to direct motion on the 12th; this is good for your motivation. Jupiter is your guiding Light, and although you’re feeling a natural stress while the Sun is in Virgo, it’s time to explore and let your natural curiosity bring you to the correct next step. Let Peace be your goal, and inspiration your guide.

Capricorn – (December 20 – January 18) Even giving due consideration to all that is stressful in today’s world, September is still be a good month for you, Capricorn. With the Sun in Virgo, the Earth signs have ‘it’ right now. ‘It’ is a smile from the Universe and a kiss of well-being the comes with recognition of your blessings. Pay special attention September 17 – 21 when Mercury gets up close and personal with Jupiter and Pluto. What you learn at this time can actually put you in a great position as you move forward.

Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) People are looking to you for advice because they know you are objective and fair. The full moon of September 2nd illuminates your 2nd house of earned income and self-worth. This is a good placement for your money, but it’s relationships that will be taking up your time this month. And, many truths will be revealed as Mercury winds his way through Virgo. You’re going to know more than you ever wanted to about certain situations. Give the best that you have to give, Aquarius. Others are counting on you now.

Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) Once a year a Pisces full moon graces the earth, this year it’s on September 2nd. Although this is your special time, you may feel a sense of nostalgia as Venus opposes Saturn on the 2nd and she squares Mars on the 4th. This full moon will make you more sensitive to the planetary stresses of Venus. Hold on, because on Labor Day (September 7th) the moon lifts your mood. The Virgo new moon of September 17th further graces your days through the riches of friendships. Share good times with a friend, partner, or loved one.

© 2020 Maya White


Maya White is a professional astrologer and Life Purpose Guide certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a type of astrology that helps identify your best places for success. Her all original horoscopes have been featured around the world and are noted for inspiration and practical tips on how to apply the wisdom of the stars to real life. For astrology updates in a language that YOU understand, sign up for Maya’s Weekly Star*Cast newsletter. You can learn more at:


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