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Your October 2022 Horoscope with Maya White

October 2022

Aries – (March 20 – April 18) You already invented the wheel, now you can relax and go places in style. Take the gains made in the recent months and refine them into a system which can pay you repeated benefits with less effort on your part. Your secret to success now is to rely on your own wisdom, not the advice of others. You may have to make some hard decisions mid-month, but trust me – the home run position is about you going for it, and excess baggage doesn’t get you there. Mars, your planetary ruler, sits in a grand air trine with the Sun and Saturn for the New Moon of October 25th.

Connect with the Light of Spirit, and see it shining brightly on your success.

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Come to terms with not knowing or understanding every little detail now. Like an itch that you cannot scratch, there is an air of mystery surrounding you. Secrets will be revealed slowly and surely, in the same way that a flower unfolds. Know that this blossom holds more delight than you would have previously dreamt possible. So, be patient and wise; and smile even when you feel like a bull in the China closet. The Scorpio Full Moon of October 25th delivers answers to your questions, especially around partnerships. Trust that you are seeing things exactly as they are. You knew all along; now you are ready to take it to the next level.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19) This is your time for respite and reward, Gemini. Missing information becomes available after the 16th when Mercury clears his retrograde shadow. Your mission is to reclaim your natural state of play and exploration. Give serious thought to investing the extra income you earned last month. When presented with an opportunity this month, you’ll have to act quickly. Do your homework, but this offer has all the markings of a sound investment that adds just more stability to your otherwise mobile lifestyle. Clear out clutter by the 25th; you don’t want any old ghosts haunting you on Halloween.

Cancer(June 20 – July 20). You are ready to settle down in a new way, Cancer. Some of you will move to a new home, others to a new space inside of your body. However, or where ever this new feeling resonates inside, you are more integrated than ever before. Your spiritual essence is shining strong now, with Jupiter and Neptune illuminating your wisdom and public recognition sectors. Mercury helps you complete a project begun long ago. Take a moment and connect with your creative essence; this project (or being) is now calling and ready to be born. Best of all, you have the energy and drive to pull it all together now. Take that leap of faith.

Leo – (July 21– August 21) You are busier than ever, Leo and Venus lights you up like a hot wire as she conjuncts the Sun in Libra on October 22nd. Although many duties and opportunities beckon, your best times can be had at home this month. You’re super busy, but settling into your comfortable den at the end of day keeps you going strong. With no planets in Leo now, you may feel overlooked; like you’re doing all the work but not really enjoying the recognition. This is just temporary so don’t take it personally. Welcome the friend from your past who shows up by month’s end – this person has a gift for you.

Virgo – (August 22 – September 21) You are preparing for a major new cycle of rapid growth and innovation. Indeed, it’s time to view old things in a bright new way and offer your brilliant insights that other people completely overlook. It’s like the door to a long closed off room has suddenly been opened, and you can walk into this space as if you had always lived there. The best part is that you can also monetize this new information Don’t hesitate when investing in software or another educational program; the reward is well worth the price. Get your plans in place before Mars stations retrograde on October 30th.

Libra – (September 22 – October 22) Greet the opportunity to refresh your learning skills with enthusiasm. Sometimes we just have to pay the price in order to move ahead, that this is one of those times. One of the gifts of your sign is benefit from partnerships. There is no exception now, so understand that someone has a critical piece of knowledge that you need in order to complete your next step. Knowledge transformed into wisdom is your lesson now. The Libra Full Moon of October 9th signals a dramatic new phase of activity for the year ahead. Remain organized, and enjoy the journey.

Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) Loose ends are being woven into the fabric of a new reality, Scorpio. It’s as though you have been tending many different crops; each one not really connected to the other. But now, you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you even see a path ahead to unite disparate strands. Good news regarding income arrives with the New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 25th; you are motivated, and so are your partners. Stay in motion and move beyond fear. Keeping yourself balanced, healthy and motivated is a dynamic combination that serves you well.

Sagittarius – (November 22– December 20) Mars in Gemini until March 25, 2023 adds a zest to your life and it also keeps the pressure on all relationships – both personal and professional. Enjoy this time; your creative juices are at an all-time high, and good luck is on your side. You are so in tune with your next step now. You have given everything plenty of thought, and waiting too long is going to cause more pain than gain. However, Jupiter retrograde until November 23rd complicates your life now. Delays that show up now prevent problems in the future.

Capricorn – (December 21 – January 18) The past months have been a time for vision combined with inspiration. Now is the time for earnest preparation. You’ve had plenty of time to refine, rewrite, and revise your plan, and any remaining missing pieces will come together by the middle of next month. Accept that there are still mysteries and missing puzzle pieces in your world now, Capricorn. The Aries Full Moon of October 9th illuminates your inner security as Chiron seals your root chakra for the ultimate core healing experience. Family and friends support you, and know that your career is ready for lift off.

Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) This is the perfect month to announce your intentions to the world, Aquarius. Some will take on a new job or career; others decide to do just the opposite by creating a new life from home. Whatever your situation, know that it’s time to put it out there. Your vitality is good and your inspiration in ‘go’ mode. Prepare for a bit of a roller coaster ride on the New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 25th when a temporary bump in the road looks bigger than it really is. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You have great momentum now, keep it going.

Pisces – (February 18– March 19) Partnerships work to your benefit now, Pisces. Help arrives from an unlikely and unexpected source. You can believe it; this one is really going to work out right. Take a careful look at the greater good here by stepping out of your personal world and into looking at the big picture. You have an opportunity to get your message out to a larger audience, if you choose to do so. Mars square Neptune on October 12th urges you to overcome the nagging voice that says there is no reason to do the work. You have a unique and valuable contribution – polish it and show the world.

© 2022 Maya White


Maya White is a professional astrologer and Life Purpose Guide certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a type of astrology that helps identify your best places for success. Her all original horoscopes have been featured around the world and are noted for inspiration and practical tips on how to apply the wisdom of the stars to real life. For astrology updates in a language that YOU understand, sign up for Maya’s Weekly Star*Cast newsletter. You can learn more at:


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